
Laser Ellipsometers

SE-400 Laser Ellipsometer
The SE 400 is a discrete wavelength ellipsometer which measures n, k and film thickness. |

SE 400-300, SE 500-300, SE 800-3
The SE X00-300 is a large area ellipsometer with fixed angle of incidence and outstanding features such as very high repeatability of layer thickness and refractive index, auto focus (optional), large number of predefined applications, and material library which makes the instrument suitable for small scale productions. The ellipsometer platform allows the extension of the metrology tool for even larger substrates. The ellipsometer can be a discrete wavelength ellipsometer SE 400-300 or a spectroscopic ellipsometer SE 800-300. The SE 500-300 comprises the SE 400-300 and the Film Thickness Probe FTPadvanced installed together with the auto collimating telescope |

SE 400-11 / SE 400-12 Two-Wavelength Laser Ellipsometer
The SE 400-11 / 400-12 are discrete wavelength ellipsometers which measure n, k and film thickness at two different laser wavelength. The SE 400-11 comes with laser wavelengths of 405 nm and 632.8 nm. The SE 400-12 comes with laser wavelengths of 632.8 nm and 1550 nm.
Ellipsometric measurements using the blue wavelength of the SE 400-11 are especially suited to measure surface roughness and absorption of non-stoichiometric dielectric films like SiNy.
Ellipsometric measurements using the infrared wavelength of the SE 400-12 are especially suited to measure the film thickness of thick c-Si and a-Si films and to analyze AR coatings for InP based laser and photodetectors devices for the data communication. |

SE 500 CER Ellipsometer
- The SE 500 combines ellipsometry and reflectometry,
- Eliminates the ambiguity in layer thickness determination for transparent films,
- Extends thickness measurement to 25000 nm.

In situ laser ellipsometer SE 401
The SE 401 is a discrete wavelength rotating analyzer ellipsometer with superior features such as very high repeatability and long term stability of measured ellipsometric angles; very short data acquisition time and WINDOWS based operation software which makes the instrument very accurate, quick and easy to use. The SE 401 process ellipsometer allows to monitor kinetic processes as growth and etch processes of single layers in different ambient. |
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